The Miss London City title was first won in 2013. The Official Pageant of the United Kingdom worldwide. The directors of the show and title winners culminated in a Live event which took place in the heart of the City, a renowned show working with great organisations, charities, businesses and media ventures, a pageant where the winners assert ambassadorial roles in their chosen fields within beauty, Media and Education, from the Live event from it's organisers in 2014 the Beauty Pageant has taken it's place in the heart of London, The Official Crowning of Miss London City.
The Miss London City schedule runs from January to August where the committee directors prepare the finals of Miss London City in August. The 2014 show was Miss London City's premier Live event from it's committee taking the show into the heart of the City, with the Miss London City title first been won in 2013. Miss London City is not connected to any other pageantry system and is the Official Crowning of Miss London City Worldwide. Miss London City is an extraordinary and set par beauty event in the City, the Live show event culminates and it's Top serving pageants in the United Kingdom and the Official Beauty pageant competition of the Capital.
MLC Committee
The Miss London City committee is MGLC London, Claudette (Dior) DeJoir, Linda Collins, Ruby Smith. Executive Event Management Company JoboSound LTD.
Executive Partners Companies
Executive Partner Companies Jobosound Limited, and Vetion UK
Miss London City Awards 2018 in the Capital!
London School of Beauty and Makeup
The London School of Beauty and Makeup Live at Miss London City
Be At One London Hosting
Auditions held in the Capital at Be At One London Hosting Westminister!